Art and feminism closer to young people

Indeed, if we want the values of feminism to be propagated to future generations, we must maintain them. We can spread them on the networks, in schools but also in places such as libraries in town or in universities. It is the same for art. Not everyone has easy access to museums. So we can show art through the web, books and education. Thus, places like BU are gold mines of information for students.

Young people and reading, a difficult relationship

The example of Bagieu

That's true. But who said that reading was limited to a collection of lines on pages. There are many books that deal with specific and even complex themes such as feminism and that are very fun to read. Let's take for example the complete Les Culottées by Pénélope Bagieu. This book is fun and easy to read, so it's for everyone who is interested. In this book, the author tells the life of many women in the form of comics. Colored with bubbles or text boxes, this book is very attractive. At first glance, under its air of a children's book, it does not seem very informative. However, the life of these women is very well explained, in a concise and precise way.

Image d'une illustration des Culottées
Photo of Penelope Bagieu at the Paris Book Fair, March 2019.

Pénélope Bagieu has selected women who have marked her and wanted to gather them in this book. She simply wanted to give a second life to them by making a work of memory. This work has allowed not to forget these women who have changed the world in their own way. But also to transmit the values which were dear to them. However, this is only an exhaustive list among all the women who have impacted the world with their innovative and sometimes revolutionary ideas.

It is not only her

By searching through the many books offered by a university library, one can come across other works. Books like the one called Le Féminisme by Anne-Charlotte Husson and Thomas Mathieu. Based on the same principle as Bagieu's book, this work is a perfect example of art in books. That is to say that it is composed of drawings with varied and vivid colors but also small texts in the form of bubble. It is a comic book style format. Format adapted to young people for example. A way to express things more playfully. This book explains what feminism is in its entirety.

Image du livre Le Féminisme
Photo of the book Le Féminisme by Anne-Charlotte Husson and Thomas Mathieu.

We can also refer to the book by Sophie Carquain and Pauline Duhamel called J'aimerais te parler d'elles (I'd like to talk to you about them) which follows the principle of the other two books but with a different composition. This one combines a page of text, which explains the life of a woman, and an illustrated page on a key moment of her life. This format helps to understand the text and to make the reading more attractive. It is therefore suitable for young children for example but can also be read by anyone. This book tells the story of 50 women who have impacted the world with their ideas and the boldness they have shown to raise their voices.

Image du livre J'aimerais te parler d'elles
Photo of the book J'aimerais te parler d'elles by Sophie Carquain and Pauline Duhamel

Feminist artistic expression today

The world is changing, so is art and the feminist struggle. How is feminism transmitted today?

Image du tweet de l'article L’expression artistique féministe d’aujourd’hui


A feminist art history

A story rich in values and artistic visuals, discover a feminist artist of the past.

Image du tweet de l'article Une histoire de l'art féministe



Discover a situation of feminism in this video

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